A toy story?

Shooting today the latest creations for the Crazy Hound Store I thought it looks like there is a story line running through these shots like this couple meeting, being friends and a kind of tragic ending, so I am laying down the gauntlet to you creative writers out there to pen (or keyboard) a brief story using these two characters and a small prize will be awarded to the most creative. Deadline is 31st December 2009 so get cracking! you can post your story in the comments section of this post.
Oh, and the pictures could be in reverse order…or are they?
(Click on them and see them massive)

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2 thoughts on “A toy story?

  1. OK – I think the story goes like this … starting at the bottom
    Ronnie the Reindeer was leaning on a bookshelf and he thought I have to do something different this weekend. Wondering what to do. Soeone said – hey you must try ballet or yoga !. He thought well that is a bit wierd, but maybe it will help my agility having to deliver all those christmas presents later this month.
    move to photo above:
    Ronnie is introduced to his ballet teacher Griselda and she puts him through his paces.. but he decides ballet is not for him.
    They pause for a photo at the end of the session.
    Next onto Yoga you can see the teacher has a striking resemblance to the ballet teacher – never mind. Ronnie tries really hard and he is sure it is good for him, but in the end he collapses into the arms of his trainer. They decide to go and chill out somewhere more relaxing ! THE END.


  2. Blitzen was, well, blitzed. Another long Christmas Eve had taken its toll. He could cope with the ever increasing toy load on old Fat Boy's sled but the “treats” people left out for him and the team nowadays? What did people think reindeer normally ate? This year had seen tofu nibbles, wasabi nuts, organic rice crackers and he didn't even want to think what squid balls were all about. And if he heard one more drunk see the team and say “Oooh I could murder a Donner” someone would be finding out that these antlers weren't just for show.

    He was chilling out with Dino because Dino was a good listener, the perfect listener in fact. Now he came to think about it he couldn't remember Dino ever saying a word or actually moving much, or at all. A good listener but a lousy drinking buddy, just put a bottle in Dino's hand and Dino would slide gracefully to one side and that was the evening over.

    That was OK, this wasn't a drinking time, it was an unwinding time and Dino didn't say a word (or move) while he stretched out, threw some moves and generally got his reindeer mojo back (although he was still a bit worried about how he was going to be portrayed in Rudolph's forthcoming autobiography “Red Nose Days”).

    And, in no time at all, he was feeling great (that is a grate isn't it?).

    The end.


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